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My Top 4 Marketing Tips


Bookmark this bad boy, 'cause you're going to want to come back and remind yourself of these things.

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Setting marketing goals is way more important than you think. 


When you start with the goal and then choose the marketing activity, you're more likely to do marketing that will get you closer to achieving that goal.


The key mistake I see is people choose the marketing activity first. For example, they start doing a social media post, which is great, unless that's not the most effective way of reaching your goals.


EXAMPLE: You want to connect with local business owners and start with a social media post. But in actual fact, heading along to a local networking group is a faster and easier way to achieve your goal.



Ask all your customers and new leads how they found out about you.


When you know how your customers are finding you, you know which marketing efforts are working.

Having access to this information means you can see what is working the best, then you can focus your energies on doing more of that. You’ll also see what’s not working and can stop wasting your precious time and energy on things that aren’t working.


I helped a client save over $5,000 a year just by doing this.


Ask the question and record the information in whichever way works for you. It can be as simple as asking the question and keeping a spreadsheet of the answers, or you can add this question to your enquiry forms and track it using a CRM.


BUT...make sure you review this information regularly and then prioritise your marketing efforts on the places that bring you the most business. If networking is more effective for you, then make that your non-negotiable marketing action.


**SIDE NOTE: There will no doubt be multiple things that work for you, but if you have limited time and resources, you need to focus on the most effective strategies first.


Make sure your marketing says the same things you do.


Don’t know what to write in your marketing?


It should be like having a conversation with you, so please make sure you say and write the same things in your marketing that you do when you’re face-to-face with a customer.


Why is this effective? Your marketing is your silent salesperson, so you need to earn trust, establish credibility, and help your audience in the same ways you already do in face-to-face conversations.


What makes people want to buy from you, are the things you say, the value you give, and how you help solve their problems or meet a need.


So, add these little gold nuggets through all of your marketing and watch how it changes your business for the better!



Above all else, just help. Share your advice and knowledge.


As consumers, we seek out an expert to help get the right result. We appreciate the person who asks us questions, shares their knowledge, and gives us honest advice.


We avoid the person who is just trying to sell to us without caring enough to get us the best outcome.


Here’s the thing, if you do what’s best by your customer, even if that means recommending someone who can help them more than you can, that is always going to be good for your business. They will appreciate your honesty and integrity so much that they will recommend you to others. You’ll stick in their head as a positive experience.


So, above all else, make helping and educating people your top priority and I promise you’ll get more customers and enjoy the process more too.


Also, hard selling is yuck, we are not here for that shit.


Let me illustrate this with an example…shopping for a new car.


One car sales rep sees dollar signs and shows you his favourite car and rattles off all the epic features. The other sales rep asks you questions like, how many in your family, what will be the main use of the car, what do you love the most about your current car, what do you wish you could change about your current car, what features are non-negotiable…you catch my drift.


I can guarantee you’re more likely to buy from sales rep number two, and even if you don’t buy from them, you’ll recommend your friends to them the next time they need a new car.


The moral of the story…just help people. Ask them questions, find out what they really need help with, and match them with the right solution. Everyone wins.


I have so many more tips, but those are definitely the top 4 that will help get you out of your head, going in the right direction with your marketing, and saying the right things.


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Hey I'm Erin, a Marketing Strategist and Consultant here to make marketing life easier for business owners. 


Marketing doesn't have to be confusing. I am on a mission to make big agency level marketing knowledge and skills accessible to small business owners everywhere. 


I'm excited to walk with you on your marketing journey and show you the ropes! You don't have to figure this out on your own.


Want to work with me?

I believe expert marketing help should be accessible to all business owners, so I have a range of options to suit all budgets and learning styles.

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