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What should you be prioritising? SEO or social media?

The short answer is SEO - but only if you have a website of course! Marketing is a big beast and when you don’t have a massive marketing budget, you want to spend your time focusing on things that are more likely to generate sales.

Yes, social media is also important, but SEO is more effective at driving quality traffic to your website.

So if you’re struggling to ‘do it all’ with your marketing, set some non-negotiable priorities in place and focus on things that are more likely to generate traffic and sales.

But what the f*ck is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.

What? That didn’t help?

It’s basically how you get your website to appear in the top search results of Google and other search engines - yes there are others, who would have known!?

Quick facts about why SEO is better than social media if you want sales...

  • People searching online have a purpose and are looking for something specific. Quality SEO helps connect them with you.

  • SEO drives 1000% more traffic to your website than social media.

  • You don’t own your social media pages; you could lose them at any time.

  • Your target audience might not be on social media.

  • Great SEO content can potentially be seen for months and years to come.

  • There’s no need to keep up with the latest trends to please the algorithm with SEO.

  • You can track your SEO score and monitor your website traffic results easily.


On a regular basis, like once every two to four weeks, write a really great piece of content for your website.

Make sure you’ve got your keywords sprinkled thoughtfully throughout it and offer your website visitors some juicy material that answers their questions, and gives valuable advice and information they want to know about your product or service.


Take this content and turn it into an email.

Then turn it into a range of social media posts you can share at different times – a carousel, a reel, a story, a static post. Remember: different people consume content differently. And never be afraid of repeating yourself – our brains need repetition.

My best piece of advice:

Your digital marketing strategy should be diverse. Please don't limit your marketing to just one thing, especially social media, make SEO and email marketing a priority if you want to nurture your customers and generate more sales.

Happy marketing!

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